Wellness Policy Reminder – Birthday Celebrations

We understand that celebrating your child’s birthday is a happy occasion and may be something you want to share with their classmates at school. Please note that food is not allowed for birthday celebrations as part of our district’s Wellness Policy. Only non-food items will be permitted at school.

Non-food suggestions include: coloring books, crayons, books, school supplies, stickers, pencils, erasers, white board markers, etc.

Any food items brought to school for birthday celebrations will be sent home or returned to parent(s).


The Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) recognizes the link between student health and learning and is committed to providing a healthy school environment that promotes student and staff wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity. The CVESD Wellness Policy (BP 5030) was revised August 9, 2017. It updates and reflects changes to all federal, state, local, and District guidelines. Additionally, the policy was re-organized and headings added for clarity and organizational purposes.

Summary of Key Wellness Policy Guidelines- School and District Community:

Prohibiting food items in celebration of a student’s birthday on the school site during the school day.

 Permitting no more than two parties/celebrations with food for each class, per school year, to be scheduled after lunch whenever possible. All food items should be store-bought, pre-packaged, and/or pre-wrapped for food safety and allergies.

*The complete Wellness Policy can be found at https://cdn5-ss12.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_411950/File/Board%20of%20Education/Policy%20and%20Bylaws/5000/BP%205030%20Wellness.pdf

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